Tuesday 29 January 2019

How Could Industrial Energy Rates Increase Your Profit

You pay energy bill at the end of your electricity billing cycle. Your supplier generates a bill according to the industrial energy rates. He has your electricity consumption data and also he has the price. But you have to pay additional charges with the energy price.

Take out the last electricity bill you paid to find the actual charge and taxes. You will come to know that are certain charges that you can save. Also, you can get more competitive pricing by if you can compare commercial electricity prices. For making a comparison between electricity charges of different suppliers, you need to have a good understanding of electricity supply, pricing and taxes.

You know that you can save some money on your electricity bill but you don’t know how. Reducing consumption can be a way to reduce energy charges but you can’t go on turning the lights off or switching to manual working just to save energy bill. You have to find a viable solution to the problem.

You need an expert that can calculate energy price, determine needs and present needs in a lucrative way so that the suppliers give the best price quotes. It is like suppliers running for your business. Instead of you approaching the electricity companies, it would be just the opposite. It is possible and an expert energy consultant can do this job.

Let’s see who an energy consultant is and how he works

An energy consultant is a professional working in the field of electricity. His job is to study the pricing pattern, notice the consumption and studying the factors that affect pricing and consumption. It is his full time job and to give comprehensive services, he maintains business relations with electricity suppliers.

For example, you hire a consultant to keep a tab over your electricity consumption and billing. His first step would be to study the pattern of using electricity in your building. In second step, he will determine needs and calculate the best industrial energy rates for your needs. In the third step, he would prepare a detailed case for quotes from the suppliers.

The consultant won’t make any decision on buying electricity from a specific supplier until you compare commercial electricity and see benefits in becoming customer of a specific energy company. He would keep an eye of your consumption pattern and suggest measures to reduce consumption in a phased manner.    

To know more details please visit our website:- www.texaselectricbroker.com

Wednesday 21 November 2018

How To Negotiate Compare Commercial Electricity

If you check commercial electricity prices, you will find that the consumers have little choice available. You will find a set pattern of reducing price. You have to lock the price for a time period that could be one year or more. If you choose one year locking time, you won’t get full benefit of price reduction.

What is the relation between energy price and locking time?

Locking time is the period for which consumers promise buying electricity for that period. In other words, the suppliers ensure recurring business for that period.They offer industrial energy rates with different locking time like two and three years. And you will find that the prices are decreasing with time period. In this situation, you will want to choose the longest locking time but it is better to understand the pricing before accepting a plan.

How can I get the best energy rates?

You consume a specific amount of electricity in a given time period like 30 days. And your efforts are to reduce the consumption to keep a tab over rates. Reducing consumption is a great way to reduce electricity bill but you need to increase consumption to increase your output and profit in the long run. There is a way to get energy at reduced price even when your consumption is increasing.

How increased consumption gets reduced price?

As a consumer, you will give business to suppliers and if you are giving a huge business, you can ask for special price. But the consumption should be big enough to attract suppliers and convince them to reduce price. Would you boost your energy consumption just to get a price reduction of a few dollars? You have to find another way to increase your electricity consumption.

If you can add your energy consumption with others, you can make a big offer for suppliers. But an energy consultant can do this job in a hassle free manner. He can become advisor of consumers and demand low energy rates. You can compare commercial electricity to find the cheapest supplier but a consultant can negotiate energy rates with suppliers.

Who an energy consultant is and how much he charges for service?

An energy consultant is an advisor for consumers and business manager for suppliers and his role is to get cheapest commercial electricity prices for consumers. What is more surprising is that he charges nothing from consumers but get commission from suppliers.  
For more detail visit our website:- http://www.texaselectricbroker.com/

Friday 26 October 2018

How Can You Negotiate Rates with Commercial Energy Suppliers

How many commercial energy suppliers are there in your area? You can approach every supplier for lowest price but you will get similar response from every company. You will be offered fixed price options. Should you choose an option or look for more ways to get reduced price?

Let’s consider both the factors

Choosing an option

If your company is an IT firm, you will want the data storage energy rates to be lower. Since you are choosing one of the given options, you will choose the option with lowest rate and minimum locking period. For example, you can choose three year period to get more discount. But choosing an option would limit your options.

Looking for more options

If you aren’t choosing an option and want to discuss the best price with suppliers then you will need help of an energy consultant that can become your representative and negotiate the best price with the electricity companies. It is better you hire a consultant for price negotiation.

Who is a consultant?

He is a professional and you can call him a broker. His job is to match needs with price plans. The consultant will bring the best price plan for your needs and he will do so after understanding your needs. He will calculate your energy consumption and keep the future demand of electricity in mind when calculating the energy demand.

A consultant is known for his business contacts with suppliers. He gives advice to consumers and finds business for suppliers. And both listen to his suggestions. And he provides free service to consumers.

How consultant earns profit?

You will get free service because consultants charge fees from suppliers. You won’t pay anything for service as your supplier would give commission to the consultant. Hiring a consultant for service is beneficial as the professional would take care of your needs all the time.

Let’s come back to the main topic

Advantage of taking help

An experienced consultant can provide lowest data storage energy rates with the help of his knowledge, experience and business connections with electricity companies. Since he would provide free service, you should have little fear or apprehension in taking his help.

A consultant works for multiple consumers at a time. He would present your demand as large commercial energy business before suppliers. And the electricity companies would give discounts to get your business. It is only a consultant that can do this job.

To know more details please visit our website:- www.texaselectricbroker.com

Friday 19 October 2018

How to Get Commercial Energy Supply at Cheap Price

Electricity prices are always fluctuating and for this reason the rates are fixed for a certain time. But the suppliers have an upper hand in price fixation and locking time. Demand for commercial energy supply is high and it is expected to grow in coming days.

What suppliers do to fix energy price?

They divide business electricity rates into different plans. A plan has a fixed price for a certain term like one year, two year, there year and more. And the rule is higher price has lower price. If you are paying $1 for two year period, the price for three year term would be lower than $1. It can be said that the suppliers encourage consumers to choose longer plans.

What is the advantage of longer plans?

As a consumer, you will get lower rates for a long time. You won’t have to worry about price fixation for a long time period. In other words, you can save more money while getting uninterrupted power supply. And your supplier would get recurring business. You will continue buying electricity from the company for a long time. The supplier would also earn profit in the long run.

What is the disadvantage of a long plan?

The price won’t change for a long time and if the market price of the electricity becomes less than the locked price, you will have to bear the loss. You can come out of the plan before the stipulated time but in this condition, you will have to bear some monetary loss. It is better to take care when choosing a price plan for your electricity needs.

How to choose a price plan?

You can find the most affordable price plan and ask your supplier to activate that plan. But in this way, you will get limited options to choose from. If you want to get the best option then you should negotiate electricity price with suppliers. If you are a retailer of food items, you need low cold storage energy rates. And it is only an energy consultant that can provide real help in price fixation.

You should approach an experienced energy consultant and hire him for the job of finding electricity at a very affordable price. He will get you the best business electricity rate using his knowledge and business connections with suppliers. Also, he will give free service because he will get his profit from your supplier.
To know more details please visit our website:- www.texaselectricbroker.com

Sunday 16 September 2018

How An Energy Consultant Gets The Best Business Energy Rates

The only way to reduce business energy rates is to get a cheap plan and it is possible only with the help of an experienced electricity consultant. If you study the pricing structure of electricity, you will find that it is quite difficult for an individual consumer to choose a price plan while an energy broker can do this job in a hassle free manner.

Here’s how a broker helps

1. Follow the trends

You know that electricity prices keep fluctuating, but you can find the best bitcoin energy rates for your energy needs, if you can keep track of the fluctuating price.But it is a very difficult job to do and time consuming especially when you are busy with your daily work. But an energy consultant can do this job in a hassle free manner.

2. Connect to suppliers
It is the second best thing to do. To get the best price, you first need connecting to the leading as well as upcoming suppliers. It is like getting many options and when you have options, you can make a good choice. You can do this job from your computer but would the suppliers take interest in your offer. On the other hand, a consultant can get you more options.

3. Compare prices
Every supplier has some price plans for consumers and also the suppliers are ready to offer customize prices, if they see business. You can get price quotes from different suppliers and try comparing the prices with whatever knowledge you have on electricity pricing. But an energy broker can do this job better than you.

4. Make lucrative offers
Suppliers would take interest in your business only when you are a huge consumer. If your electricity consumption is huge, they will certainly be interested in your energy consumption. They will quote competitive prices to get your business. If your consumption is average then there are little chances of competitors offering customized price options.

An energy broker can get you lowest price by making your offer lucrative. What the consultant would do is club your offers with others and in this way make it lucrative. He will get large business energy rate sat the best price for your needs. You will consume electricity at your rate but pay at the price of a big consumer.

The aforementioned discussion shows that it is only an energy consultant that can get the best business energy rates from suppliers. But a consumer has to accept whatever price is quoted by suppliers. www.texaselectricbroker.com

Sunday 9 September 2018

How Energy Brokers Get The Best Commercial Energy Rates

It is only an energy broker that can get the best commercial energy rates for consumers and there are reasons to believe in the brokerage services of experienced consultants. You know energy prices keep fluctuating for one reason or another and there is no way can you calculate your energy bill with fluctuating prices. You have to fix the price for ease of calculation.

Here’re some FAQs regarding brokerage service

Q: How much the service costs?

A: The service is free for consumers. A broker would compare commercial electricity prices for you and find the best for your needs. And he will do the job without any cost. You won’t have to pay anything for the service but your supplier would. The broker would get his profit from your supplier.

Q: How energy brokers work?

A: Brokers are consultants. They have business contacts with suppliers and they keep track of the fluctuating prices of electricity. They track prices to remain a step ahead than the suppliers. And they take care of consumers as well as suppliers. It is profit for all and loss for none.

Q: Why suppliers deal with brokers?

A: Electricity suppliers can make direct deals with consumers and in this way remove brokers from the supply chain. The electricity supply companies have to pay salary, medical benefits, and 401K to their employee which ultimately drives of the cost of the quoted rates. The biggest reason of suppliers working with brokers is the business that brokers bring for suppliers.

Q: How an energy consultant brings business for suppliers?

A: The consultant wins confidence of the consumers. He convinces them to buy electricity from specific suppliers and in this way he generates business and profit for the suppliers. An electricity supply company won’t want to lose business that it gets through brokers.

Q: How price fixation works in electricity buying?

A: The commercial energy rates are fixed for a certain time period like two years or more. And the rates are renegotiated after completion of the present term. Suppliers don’t auto renew the price plans without consulting the energy consultants.

Q: Which one is the best energy consultant?

A: An electricity broker has to have complete knowledge on energy pricing. He should be able to keep track of fluctuating energy prices and compare commercial electricity rates to find the most affordable suppliers for his clients that are consumers. You should join hands with a broker that is highly experienced.  For more details please visit our website:- www.texaselectricbroker.com 

Saturday 11 August 2018


Texas Electric Broker allows your organization to view the best COMMERCIALENERGY RATES, ensuring that all decisions uphold the financial and operational integrity of your operations. We’re creative thinkers and have a passion for developing and implementing sustainable, financially-sound energy solutions.We are your independent and unbiased advocate, always focused on the best interests of your company. 



Poor energy procurement decisions can be expensive. Electric prices fluctuate constantly, which can significantly affect your energy bill and performance against budget. By taking a proactive approach to the BEST COMMERCIAL ENERGY RATES, you can better control the current and future energy budget while boosting your company’s bottom line.

Texas Electric Broker specializes in BUSINESS ENERGY RATES and purchasing energy on behalf of companies and will lead you to strategic energy procurement that ensures you’re getting the best value for your energy dollar.

TEB’s Approach

Instead of only using contract expiration dates as the sole driver for the CHEAPEST BUSINESS ENERGY RATES, we identify strategic sourcing opportunities by constantly monitoring market dynamics to identify the best possible purchase opportunities. Our proactive approach allows you to capitalize on energy opportunities before they disappear.

TEB’s Support

We empower organizations to make informed, confident decisions based on our expertise in TEXAS COMMERCIAL ENERGY. In an effort to guide your company through the complicated web of energy contracts, Texas Electric Broker provides one-on-one, personalized education and explanation. Throughout the Request for Proposal process, you can discuss any issue with your dedicated Client Energy Manager, a TEB consultant who acts as an extension of your company’s organizational chart to provide leadership for your energy management program

TEB’s Process

Texas Electric Broker reviews your past Historical Usage Data (HUD) to identify current energy purchasing options for LARGE BUSINESS ENERGY RATESand issues a Request for Proposal (RFP) to purchase energy for the three following reasons:

Top Rated Suppliers competing for COMMERCIAL ENERGY SUPPLY
COMMERCIAL ENERGY SUPPLIERS competing for your business

Upcoming contract expirations require action After your company indicates a willingness to shop BUSINESS ELECTRICITY RATES, Texas Electric Broker sends the energy load to our supplier community of the top rated suppliers.  Wesimplify the RFP process, resulting in more price-competitive, accurate and timely energy bids. In an industry where time can make-or-break a deal, the ease of TEB’s energy procurement process improves your company’s bottom line.
Our energy consulting experts review all COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY PRICESand recommend the best option for you based on key factors like pricing, contract terms, product structures and credit conditions. When working with Texas Electric Broker, you receive clear guidance, not just a list of COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY RATES. When your company approves a recommendation, TEB handles the transactional process and completes all relevant energy agreements.



Most organizations consider TEXAS COMMERCIAL ENERGY to be the only tool for controlling cost in a de-regulated energy market. However, reducing the rate represents just one of many useful methods for creating opportunity in a de-regulated market. Rate reduction alone results in many stones left unturned and possibilities missed.

Texas Electric expands rate reduction with a comprehensive set of services that extracts de- regulated markets for opportunity. Our extensive approach includes the following services:
Tariff Analysis of TDU - Our energy consultants recommend the tariff rate that best fits yourLARGE COMMERCIAL ENERGYusage pattern, operational needs and business objectives. In addition, we look for ways to control your costs by closely monitoring utility rate changes and any related impacts for your organization.
TDU Negotiations - Some COMMERCIAL ENERGY SUPPLIERS provide companies with leverage to negotiate with the TDU  for better contract conditions or rate structures. Texas Electric Broker has the expertise to not only identify these opportunities for your operations, but also negotiate with the TDU on your behalf from an educated unbiased position.
Tax Exemptions –TEXAS COMMERCIAL ENERGY-related tax exemptions can bring significant savings for companies, but determining tax opportunities requires extensive knowledge of specific operational details. Our energy consultants immediately identify energy-related tax exemptions applicable to your operations.
Electric Bill Auditing – TEB’s audits can ensure the accuracy of your energy bills through a full bodied auditing process. If we discover a billing error, we will immediately resolve the issue on your behalf.
Budget Development - By applying our market intelligence to your COMMERCIAL ENERGY SUPPLY, our energy professionals can forecast TDU rates and energy costs for each of your facilities. Our customized and informed forecasts will lead your company to lower COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY RATES which opens more room for expansion.
We have the team, processes and technology needed to save money and improve the bottom line for your company.  Contact us today to get started.